What Does God Need With a Starship?
Wasn't his chariot fast enough?
i just posted a link to this short clip in another thread, but thought it needed its own.
this, to me, is a classic movie moment.
What Does God Need With a Starship?
Wasn't his chariot fast enough?
ecc 12:12 - "to the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh.".
i just never could keep up with all the jw reading material.
as a zealous jw, it was my desire to read every word published by the org, but i just couldn't do it.
ecc 12:12 - "to the making of many books there is no end, and much devotion [to them] is wearisome to the flesh.".
i just never could keep up with all the jw reading material.
as a zealous jw, it was my desire to read every word published by the org, but i just couldn't do it.
I remember, as a teenager, being eager to read as much literature as I could. As soon as the Watchtower arrived in the mail I would take it out of its wrapper and start reading the Questions from Readers. That was the shortest section in the magazine and I would read the rest shortly after.
The many books I could have read if I were never a JW.
so here we are, almost a year into the "new" congregation donation arrangement.
and its beginning, as was predicted, to fail miserably, and to have direct negative consequences on the poor sheep.. let me give you a little experience, directly from our congregation of about 80 publishers.
back in may, after reading the letter about the "new" arrangement, the elder body decided to "donate" the extra funds on hand to wt, as directed.
if you think the mormon church is off-the-scale crazy you probably don't know the half of it.. the historical information in this talk by david fitzgerald is fascinating.
the good news is that, just like the watchtower, their growth is being stunted by the internet.. grab a coffee and be amazed at just how gullible millions of people can be.. lucy harris has become my new heroine.
don't miss the section from 8:50.
it took a few years but i finally decided to join yesterday.
my background, born-in, still go to meetings for family reasons, i am inactive however.
if you were to ask when i first woke up i would say 2010 with the overlapping generation garbage.
i hated ministry book bags.i hated coming out of my home with the book bags looking like i was going to a seminar.so,i starting going to the ministry school and sunday bible meetings holding only the required books for that day in my hand.. for the sunday meetings,i would just carry the song book,bible and watchtower magazine in my hand.
no book bag!
for the ministry school,i would just carry just what necessary for the evening.
I once gave a talk at the Kingdom Ministry school and I was lectured because I forgot to wear my tie.
As for book bags, I used to carry a huge suitcase like book bag in field service with a wide variety of literature. The Circuit Overseer advised me to carry a smaller one.
i need some advice.
actually my friend needs some advice.
a few years ago i moved about 50 km (30 miles) away from the nearest congo and have since tried to live a normal life.
so, some of you may have seen my thread from yesterday about my wife waking up.. we had further discussion yesterday evening after i sent her the pbs video on the abuse scandals plaguing the watchtower.
she was so furious and pissed off at wt hq.
apparently a close relative of her's was abused by an elder and the only reason he was reproved and removed as an elder was because he confessed.
@ quest81,
"Something is going on, either more JWs or those affected by the religion are becoming TTATT aware and buying it or the WT is buying copies in print to prevent people from accessing the book."
I don't think the Watchtower is going to be purchasing books at $100 or more. It's simply out of print which makes it rare and expensive.
Scrambled eggs mixed with tuna.